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2022-06-16: Applyboard Named CIX’s 2022 ‘Innovator of the Year’
news source:https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/applyboard-named-cix-2022-innovator-150000690.html
The CIX Innovator of the Year Award is given annually to a Canadian company that disrupts and transforms an industry in profound ways. Past recipients of the Award have included Trulioo, Miovision, Lightspeed, ecobee, Real Matters, Wattpad, Shopify, Vision Critical and Desire2Learn.
ApplyBoard is the world’s largest online platform for international student recruitment. The company has built partnerships with over 1,500 primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools, and works with over 10,000 recruitment partners to drive diversity on campuses across Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.
At the core of ApplyBoard’s mission is to make education more inclusive by breaking down barriers for international students.
ApplyBoard was founded by three brothers, Martin, Massi and Meti Basiri, all of whom travelled to Waterloo Region from Iran for their post-secondary education. Based on their own experiences, they saw an opportunity to streamline the search, application and acceptance processes for students wanting to pursue their high school and post-secondary education in a foreign country.
“This is a tremendous honour and vote of confidence from the Canadian tech and innovation community.” said ApplyBoard’s co-founder and CEO Martin Basiri. “Every single day ApplyBoard is dedicated to our mission to educate the world as we develop new ways to serve the millions of students around the world who are searching for a better education. The trajectory of my brothers’ lives and I changed drastically thanks to the power of education and the world of opportunity that it opened up. We can’t wait to create more positive change as a proudly Canadian company.”
“ApplyBoard was recognized as a CIX Top 10 Growth company in 2019 and we have been proudly following ApplyBoard remarkable growth,” said Lauren Linton, Executive Director of CIX. “Martin and the ApplyBoard team absolutely deserve this recognition and are role models for our industry.”
The Honourable Mary Ng, Canada’s Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development, has been invited to present the award to Martin Basiri at CIX on November 1 in downtown Toronto, followed by a keynote fireside chat.